But Ukraine is working with partners to find the children and bring them back. She said Russia has also kidnapped Ukrainian children and taken them to Russian-occupied territories and now to Russia itself. “Sex crimes are part of the Russian weapon (against) Ukraine.” “The horror is that children are victims of these sexual crimes which are committed (under) the eyes of their parents,” she said.
She said Ukraine was gathering “horrible documented evidence” of war crimes, including sex crimes committed by Russian soldiers. Yulia Kovaliv told MPs on a House of Commons committee that Russia uses sexual violence as a weapon of war and said rape and sexual assault must be investigated as crimes of war. OTTAWA _ Ukraine’s designated ambassador to Canada says Russia must be held accountable for sex crimes committed by its troops, including against children. Here’s what’s on our editors’ radar for the morning of May 3, 2022… In The News is a roundup of articles from The Canadian Press designed to start your day.